Wednesday, April 30, 2008

San Francisco with GoodWidgets

Just a few days after being in Charleston, South Carolina, Tricia visited San Francisco, California! She enjoyed a couple crystal clear days both capturing the beautiful view on “film” and discussing ideas related to teaching general chemistry with colleagues from across the country.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Charleston Charm

Tricia spent a weekend in Charleston SC where she attended a First-Year Seminar Leadership Institute. Before the talks began in the morning, she had a little time to run around the historic district and take a few pictures. She found that her favorable memories of this beautiful city from her first visit (many years ago) were still accurate! Despite the fact that the weather was a little cooler than she was hoping, her conclusion persists that Charleston is her favorite southern city to tour.

For more pictures from this trip, visit tNt PhOtOgRaPhY.